Dear Diary:
Great. Came back from the morning skate park show. Yes. There was someone smoking weed, eventually.
But I couldn´t stay for long, I had to study. I got home at noon.
Everyone is somewhere else and I´m just sitting here, practicing Bach's concerts on my classical guitar since 1:30pm, and now it´s like 12:30am. And I still have theoric work to do. In fact, I´m sure I can recite the whole fifth's chromatic scale formula in all 30 grades:
x+1: 30 5th Perfect
x+2: 29 3rd Majors
x+3: 28 Six Majors...
And so on. But I'm way too tired so I won't do it.
Guess what, I found my old NES (Famicom) console a few weeks ago so I'm playing with it again, when I have the time...
Been hearing my old tapes and my forgotten CDs too... Jessico and Anoche are definetly the best Babasonicos´ albums.
"Una red en común conspiraba en la oscuridad
sigilosa señal la que nadie debía notar.
hasta que el ruido nos tapo y le dije..
Yo te quiero conocer igual,
Como un flash nadie nos mira alrededor
Nos dejamos arrastrar corriente abajo
No nos mira nadie despejemos el lugar ,solos tú y yo"
And I´m fed up with writing in English.
I´m going to try to type in S-span-i-sh-h.. type in Sp-a-a-nn-i-ol.. type in.. Esp-a-nishol...type en es-pp-a--ñol...... escribir en e-sp..a-ñol...escribir en español. Listo, ya está.
Mañana grabaré otro acústico más... Si es que termino de hacer el arreglo de Speechless.
¿"Park" no es un buen nombre para una banda estadounidense? No.
"Polo" podría ser un buen nombre de banda argentina, o latinoamericana en general. Sí. Ya veo un logo de banda parecido al de las remeras de Ralph Lauren. Me encantan los caballos.
No puedo seguir escribiendo en español. Es un asco éste idioma.
A veces tengo conversaciones en inglés con chicos normales que hablan castellano por esa razón.
If I had a Death Note, this would be the names of the persons I would write: James Caan, Zac Effron, whoever wrote Twilight (thanks to writer I lost several hours of my life), Taylor Swift, Ben Affleck, our president, the truck driver union, some of my professors, the ex-boyfriend of my ex-girlfriend, whoever directed Twilight -I would write that name twice, I mean, it´s completely retarded to write such a shitty novel, and it´s ten times worse to direct a piece of shit-, the lead singer of One Direction, Julian Moore.
God, I need some sleep. But first I have to finish that resume. And then a shower. And then I´m going to hug the bed...
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