
Cancer Boy.

Hola, oscuridad, mi vieja amiga,
He venido a hablar contigo otra vez.
Porque una visión suavemente aterradora
Dejó sus semillas mientras yo dormía.

Y la visión implantada en mi cerebro,
Aún permanece.
Entre el sonido del silencio.

En insomnes sueños he caminado solo.
Por calles angostas de adoquines,
Debajo del aura de un poste de luz.
Giré mi cuello al frío y humedad.
Cuando mis ojos fueron apuñalados por un destello de neón
Que dividió la noche,
Y tocó el sonido del silencio.

Y a la luz desnuda vi
Diez mil personas, quizás más:
Gente hablando sin conversar.
Gente oyendo sin escuchar.
Gente escribiendo canciones, de voces que nunca existieron.
Y nadie se atrevió
A interrumpir el sonido del silencio.

"Tontos", dijo yo.
Ellos no saben que el silencio crece como el cáncer...

"The Sound of Silence", Simon & Garfunkel (circa 1964).

In deed one of the best lyrics and melody I've ever heard.


Asa Ni Benkyou Shimashite.

Well I'm seeing J today.
I've been so hungry since morning.
I learn more with the Internet that with classes.
Japonesporlibre.com and teoria.com are my saviors.
Sword Art Online! I'm getting addicted to paper crafts.


Privacy Matters.

I don't need to fight to prove I'm right. I don't need to be forgiven.

God, that principal is a bitch. A nazi bitch. She found out I was an external student in some subjects and phohibited me attending those classes.
I have two beagles. One's fat and mean, but I love him, and the other is sweet, meek and small.
Now I have to tutor another girl.
And I miss J... I texted her. No response yet.
The Byrds.



God, yesterday I was given more dice! An opaque white d8 die, two d20's, two d4 and one red d10.
Test's results on Thursday. I'm aiming for a C+ or a B. Maybe an A? Please? 
I think J might be avoiding me. Not that her parents are soft. They got pretty mad last-last time.

22.30, need to sleep.

Kinou wa, watashino oji wa watashi no saikoro aeatashita. Ichi wa shiroi saikoro to ni wa d20s to ni d4 to ichi akai d10.



Tomorrow's the test's test.
I love dice. The singular of "dice" is "die".
I wish I had a million books.
I wish I had a thousand minis.
I wish I had hundreds of guitars.
I wish I had tens of swords.

Writer's block.
Oh... where's my typewriter. Harmony and counterpoint.

So, nobody's home. Should I play piano really loud?

Beautiful. This is what music is about.


Meaningless Handful of Air..

Spending all day doing teoria.com's exercises, the Capricho Arabe will have to wait until tuesday.
Let's see... maybe I'm seeing J tomorrow. Maybe not.
Oh, God, test's on Tuesday. Tuesday. Gotta get down on Tuesday.
Wednes-day: New minis-day.
Ugh, yesterday I was mugged... two pesos. Luckily, the assholic black nigger fucking retarded thief didn't take my wallet or phone. Now I have two phones and two wallets. One wallet with only six pesos to give, in case I get robbed, and a crappy 100$-phone.


...and the Jail's in the Ocean.

 Meh, went to the Bond Street. Found nothing. Hmm.. haven't seen J in two weeks. Except for some badges. My red d20 is lost :(
 However, once I lost a d20 and found it two months later.
 Harumakis' tonight.
 Yay, I corrected a teacher today. 
 GaGa looks awful without make up.


The Bird's in the Jail...

Die, die, die http://www2.mex.tl/imagesnew2/0/0/0/1/2/3/8/3/1/2/dagobah_Death_Note_Type_Game%281%29.swf 

Semi-finals in one week.



Pocket Monsters Red Edition: A pearl.

 I give"Sép7imo" four stars out of five. 
OMG Attack On Titans is so sad. I almost watched 50% of the series (so far ten episodes), but had to leave it 'cause it's so sad, sad. Sad. Sad.



Part I of the Fear of Girls trilogy mini episodes. One of my favourite webseries.

 Ugh... another test next week. But I'll pass. And a final exam next month... 
 La Catedral. Agustín Barrios Mangoré.