

Addictive. Played this badass.
Watched some Claymore episodes to inspire me to DM. Aghhhhhh! They didn't bring me back my DMG nor my Player's Handbook.
Lol, the professor quited today, and it was supposed to be my "second" class with him.
Started training with "La Catedral" I, II, III movements score.

And I bought a miniature (not an actual DnD one) made of silver lead only 6$.



To the east and west
Rains, and it will
A blossom, another sky blue flower
Of jacaranda.

The hag's in the cave,
But out she'll come.
To see how bonny it snows,
Of jacaranda.

"Canción del Jacarandá", M.E. Walsh

It's hard to believe she wrote that/those songs. But I think she based them on english nursery folk rhymes.
Uh, started a new class last week. Have I said that? Well, it's better than the other one, I think. Although the professor is alredy going to quit.
Watching the new Breaking Bad episode, which premiered one hour ago in the states.

Created some new D&D miniatures with paper (paper fold). So far, I created human wizard, sorcerer, ranger, paladin, warrior, rogue, half-orc fighter or barbarian, elf wizard, dwarf fighter or else, gnome commoner and hobbit rogue paper miniatures. I'm sticking with the human rogue character. I finally realized those missing parts from the character sheet. 3.5 and rol playing FTW

J lend me The Lord of The Rings book (which I had but with the moving, I lost, although it's been on my Kindle for 19347324 million years).



What's going on.... here. The scumbag teacher didn't come to class. Uh... I think the JC is overly attached to me.
It's been a while since I watched Game oF Thrones, I bought the first 2 episodes of the second season on DVD but I never watched them. And that's why I didn't want to watch them online, but screw it. I'm doing it.
Ah.... and the final episodes of Breaking Bad are here!!!
And Watamote is also great. Really really really great. Not "kind of" great like H.O.D. or Soul Eater, this is better.

Ah... I'm incorporing body parts variant for the D&D session next weekend.



Chicos y chicas de todas las edades
¿No les gustaría ver algo extraño?
Vengan con nostros y les mostraremos
Nuestro Pueblo de Halloween.

Ésto es Halloween.

"This Is Halloween", The Nightmare Before Christmas (esc. por Danny Elfman)

"The Nightmare Before Christmas", if I didn't watch the movie, I'd thought it's a horror movie, judging it's title. It's so powerful...
Ugh, I was doubting if I should buy or not The Human Centipede 2, although I haven't seen the first one I think it's terribly gross.
Tomorrow I'm starting school with a different class, since I did the final exam earlier.
And the new Breaking Bad episode premier yesterday and watched it today. It was awesome.
On Sunday is the next one. I really wanna know how it all ends. Finale. Felina.




"En su departamento, escritora en exilio.
Sus amigos piensan borrar su tristeza, con flores..."

"La Orquídea Blanca", Massacre.

 Today J showed up 2 hours and 10 minutes late to the mall, I was so mad at her...  and she even had her cellphone with her (which was on) but didn't answer my calls or even messages.
 I chastised her so bad when she arrived... even yelled to her. I felt so guilty afterwards; but apologized eventually. But, still, I feel some kind of guilt.
 Although I'm kind of right, first she arrived 2 hours late, then she didn't text me telling me where she was, she also didn't replied my phone calls or messages. And now that I think of it... she said her mother brought her, but when she called me she told she was on the bus... hmmm...
 I forgot to give her the Milky and L papercrafts.
Ugh, anyway, tomorrow I'm seeing her again, I hope. Maybe go or drive her to the river.

 I've been reviewing the Dungeon Master's Guide, it's so complex... And made some cool miniatures with paper.

 I need a MIDI plug.

The fucking beagle dog stole the meat. This teppan is going to be great.

Oh my, lol, my other puppy is having a dream. That's so cute.



A song consisting only of Ralph Wiggum's phrases.

¡Me voy a África!
Sí, señora, soy un ladrillo.
¿Fue el presidente Lincoln?

Hay un perro en la ventilación
¿Cuellos de pollo?
Elijo a Ken Griffey Jr.
¡Me caí dos veces!

Estoy pedaleando hacia atrás.
Ésta nieve sabe a pescado.
Somos un tótem.

Cosquillas peligrosas!
Escuché que un monstruo vive allí
Auxilio, ¡me está tocando mis partes privadas!
¡Vamos, banana!

Rafa ya bajate de ahí
Rafita ya bájate de ahí.
O,  say, can you ROCK?
¡Soy una sensación de pop!
¿Gutter de salmón?

Soy Idaho
Hueles a conejos muertos
Y allí es dónde vi al duende
Los juguetes divertidos son divertidos.

Microscopios de chocolate
¡No las traes!
Eso es tan de 1991
¡Me mordí la lengua!

Rafa, ya bájate de ahí.
Rafita ya bájate de ahí
O,  say, can you ROCK?
¡Soy una sensación de pop!

Mi lonchera dice Ultra-Man.

"Ralph Wiggum", Bloodhound Gang.

First time I listened to it I was like "Ugh, it's not that bad at all". Now I'm listening to it 24/7.
Went to J's school and she wasn't there, bitch. Can't she wait like 30 minutes? I was pissed off.

At least I bought graph paper for Sunday's Dungeons & Dragons game homewards.



Si te dijera las cosas que hice antes,
...Te dijera como solía ser,
¿Te juntarías con alguien como yo?
Si supieras mi historia palabra por palabra,
Tuvieras mi diario:
¿Saldrías con alguien como yo?

Ya lo hice antes y prové:
"No me llevó a ninguna parte"
Saldría con alguien como tú.
No importa lo que hayas hecho,
O con quien te juntabas:
Podríamos juntarnos y ver pasar la noche.

Y no nos importan los jóvenes, hablando de sus modas.
No nos importan los jóvenes que hablan del pasado,
No nos importan sus errores.
Solamente nos importa hablar.
Hablar solos vos y yo.

Cuando las cosas van tan lejos,
Las gente tiende a desaparecer
No me sorprendería de nadie, excepto de ti.

Puedo darme cuenta de como van las cosas
Las horas parecen desaparecer
Todos se están yendo, y yo sigo contigo.

No importa lo que hagamos
O a dónde vamos
Podemos quedarnos y ver pasar la noche juntos.

Y no nos importan los jóvenes
Hablando de sus modas
No nos importan los jóvenes que hablan del pasado
No nos preocupan sus errores y sus modales:
Solamente nos importa hablar.
Hablar solos vos y yo.
 Hablando solos tu y yo..

"Young Folks" , Peter, John & Bjorn.

Such a simple indie song, such deep lyrics. Talking only me and you...



Dungeons and Dragons. Best and most complex game ever, Gary Gygax deserves a Nobel.

Ugh, just got home an hour and half ago. I gave the final exam as an external student, in mid-course!
Only two passed, and I aced it with a 7... I thought I was going to fail.
I got a Counterpoint treatise and an Orchestation manual from the school's library.
I think I need to rest... or train. Whew, that was hard as fuck.