

 Este disco resultó ser un fracaso comercial y comúnmente considerado el peor disco de la historia a causa de su sonido, tremendamente molesto.


Sunday morning, I gotta feeling I don't know.
Watch out, the world is behind of you
There is always someone around you.
It's nothing at all.

Sunday Morning, The Velvet Underground.


The following is a list of popular songs which mean the most for me.

12. Pasajero en Extinción, Cabezones
''Invitame a vivir en lo profundo del ocaso''
[Reminds me of 2010]

11. Los Calientes, Babasónicos
''Ella iba a salir ésta noche...''
[Because it reminds me of 2009]

10.  Taikutsu, Death Note OST.
[Reminds me of Febraury, 2011]

9. Spring, Rites Of Spring.
''Caught in time, so far away...''
[Reminds me of 2008]

8. Monster, Lady GaGa.
''Él comió mi corazón..''
[Reminds me of 2011]

7. All These Things I've Done, Killers.
''Otro dolor de cabeza!, 
Otra vez un corazón destrozado!'
Soy más sabio de lo quiero ser...
I got soul. But I'm not a soldier.''
[Reminds me of the ending of 2011]

6. Special Needs, Placebo.
''Remember me, when every nose starts to bleed, Special Needs...''
[Reminds me of 2010-2011]

5. Creep, Radiohead
''I wish I was special...''
[Reminds me of 2006-2007]

4. One, U2, Mary J. Blige.
''Somos uno, pero no somos iguales.
Me diste nada y es todo lo que tengo.
Nos herimos antes y lo hacemos ahora.''
[Reminds me of 2009-2010]

3. Adiós, Cerati / Me Quedo Aquí, Cerati
''Suspiraban lo mismo los dos.
Y hoy son parte de una lluvia, lejos.
No te confundas, no sirve el rencor...
Tu escencia es más visible que el mismo dolor''

''Esperá, no te enojes otra vez''.
[Reminds me of 2010]

2. Umbrella, Rihanna.
''When the sun shines, we'll shine together''
[Reminds me of 2011]

1. I'll go crazy if I don't go crazy tonight, U2.
''Ella es un arcoiris, y le gusta la vida simple...''
[Reminds me of 2010-2011]



Precious and fragile things
Need special handling
My God what have we done to You?

Things get damaged
Things get broken
I thought we'd manage
But words left unspoken
Left us so brittle
There was so little left to give

Angels with silver wings
Shouldn't know suffering

I wish I could take the pain for You


A friend in need is a friend in deed.


Dear Dream Diary:

Yesterday I dreamt it was New Year's Eve, and I was hangin' with some punks, no family at all.
It was almost midnight...
I had to sleep in the streets.

No idea what it means.



And if your heart stops beatingI'll be here wonderingDid you get what you deserve?The ending of your life

And if you get to heavenI'll be here waiting, babeDid you get what you deserve?The end, and if your life won't waitThen your heart can't take this
Chemical Romance, My: ''Dead''


With your feet in the air
Your head in the ground.
Try this trick and spin it.
Your head will collapse
But there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself.

Where is my mind?

Pixies, The: ''Where is my Mind?''


Remember me when you're the one who's silver screen 
Remember me when you're the one you always dreamed 
Remember me when everyone's noses start to bleed 
Remember me, special needs 

Placebo: ''Special Needs''.



Hace falta que te diga, que me muero por tener algo contigo?
Es que no te has dado cuento de lo mucho que me cuesta ser tu amigo?
Ya no puedo acercarme a tu boca sin deseártela de una manera loca.
Necesito controlar tu vida.
Saber quién te besa. Quien te abriga.



How Soon Is Now? - TaTu
 [The Smiths Cover / Album: Meat Is Murder, 1985]

''Soy el Sol y la tierra.
De una vergüenza criminalmente vulgar.
Soy la hija y heredera,
De nada en particular.

Vos cerrá la boca,
Cómo puedes decir,
Que hago las cosas mal?
Soy humano y necesito que me amen,
Como a todo el mundo.

Hay un club, si querés ir.
Podrías encontrar a alguien que te ame en verdad.
Así que vas por tu cuenta y sales igual.
Y vas a casa y quieres morir.

Cuando decís que va a pasar ahora?
A que te referís con ''ahora''?
Verás, ya esperé demasiado.
Y toda mi esperanza está muerta.

You shut your mouth.
How can you say I go by things the wrong way?
I'm human, I need to be loved.''


Don't actually know what to write about.
Look at the floor.

Look right into the mirror.